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Table of ContentsMens MysteriesAaron R. Kipnis Bio

Aaron R. Kipnis, Ph.D. - 2 / 19 / 2002

Aaron Kipnis, Ph.D. is president of The Fatherhood Coalition, a non-profit organization dedicated to aiding men in developing the skills and resources needed to best parent their children. He is the author of Knights Without Armor, co-author of What Women and Men Really Want, and has written many book chapters and articles on topics concerning male roles and relationships.

As co-directors of the Gender Relations Institute, Aaron and his partner Liz Herron, facilitate male/female communication workshops nationwide and hold private consultations with couples and individual clients in Santa Barbara, California. Private intensives are also provided there for out of area clients. Dr. Kipnis is on the core faculty of Pacifica Graduate Institute where he trains graduate students in clinical and depth psychology. He is an international speaker and consultant on male psychology to myriad professional organizations, universities and training institutes. His most recent book is: Angry Young Men: How Parents, Teachers, and Counselors can Help "Bad Boys" become Good Men. (Jossey-Bass Publishers, Oct., 1999)

Contact Information:
Dr. Aaron Kipnis:
PO Box 4782 Santa Barbara, CA 93140

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