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ToCminzoku shintôminkandenshôThe Others

The Others – 06 / 19 / 2014
Various preternatural creatures in Japanese folklore. Some of these are regarded as kami.
yôkai – (Literally: demon, spirit, or monster)
dôji どじ 童子
dô (juvenile, child)
ji (child)
dôji (boy, kid, child)

❖ Child attendants of bosatsu
❖ Also called dôjin
dôjin どじん 童臣
dô (child)
jin (retainer, subject)

❖ Child attendants of kami
dôjô hôshi どうじょうほうし 道場法師
dô (moral, teachings)
jô (location, place)
hô (method, law, rule, principle, model, system)
shi (expert, teacher, master)

❖ (Buddhist monk dôjô)
❖ A child endowed by the thunder kami with supernormal strength
❖ Several Japanese folk heros are his descendants
gama-sennin がませんにん 蝦蟇仙人
ga | ka (shrimp, prawn, lobster)
ma (toad)
sen (hermit, wizard)
nin (person)
sennin (immortal mountain wizard in dôkyô, mountain man – esp. a hermit)

❖ Toad Sage (dôka)
❖ An immortal, his constant companion is kinsen – a three legged 'wealth beckoning' toad
❖ Also called kôsensei
kôsensei こうせんせい 侯先生
kô (lord, daimyo)
sen (before, previous, precedence)
sei (life, genuine, birth)
sensei (teacher, master, doctor)
kinsen キンセン 金蟾
kin (gold)
sen (toad)

❖ (Chin: Jin Chan – literally: Golden Toad)
❖ Written with katakana
❖ Usually depicted as a toad with red eyes, flared nostrils and only one hind leg, sitting on a pile of Chinese coins, with another coin in its mouth
❖ A popular fû sui charm for prosperity
hagoromo はごろも 羽衣
ha (feathers)
goromo | koromo (garment, clothes)

❖ (Literally: feather robe)
❖ Female beings who wear a feathered robe of swan feathers and has miraculous powers
marebito まれびと 稀人
mare (rare, phenomenal)
bito | hito (person)

❖ Visiting kami in disguise who fulfill certain community functions
namahage なまはげ 生剥
nama (life, genuine, birth) (come off, peel, fade, discolor)

❖ A marebito who comes to a village at the New Year and reprimands errors and encourages effort
ryû りゅう
(dragon, imperial)

❖ A dragon kami
kôryû こうりゅう 蛟竜
kô (dragon)
ryû (dragon, imperial)

kô (dragon)
ryû (dragon, imperial – outdated kanji)

❖ Generic name for rain dragons
❖ Also pronounced kô-ryô
kôryô こうりょう 蛟竜
kô (dragon)
ryô (dragon, imperial)

kô (dragon)
ryô (dragon, imperial – outdated kanji)
mizuchi みずち
mizuchi (dragon)

mizuchi (young dragon)

mizu (water)
chi | chichi (father)
mizuchi (water father)

❖ Generic name for river dragons
ryûjin りゅうじん 竜神
ryû (dragon, imperial)
jin | kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, awe, gratitude, fear/terror)

ryû (dragon, imperial – outdated kanji)
jin | kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, awe, gratitude, fear/terror)

❖ A protective dragon kami associated with water, the sea, and fishing
❖ Also called ryôjin, watatsumi, oo-watatsumi kami
ryôjin りょうじん 竜神
watatsumi わたつみ 海神
ryô (dragon, imperial)
jin | kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, awe, gratitude, fear/terror)

ryô (dragon, imperial – outdated kanji)
jin | kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, awe, gratitude, fear/terror)

wata (sea, ocean)
tsu (implied genitive particle 'of')
mi | kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, awe, gratitude, fear/terror)

*wata.tsu.mi (ateji for: wata (sea, ocean) – tsu (genitive particle 'of') – mi (kami))

oo (great, large, big)
*wata.tsu.mi (ateji for: wata (sea, ocean) – tsu (genitive particle 'of') – mi (kami))
kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, gratitude, awe, or terror)
toyotama-hime とよたまひめ 豊玉姫
toyo (bountiful, excellent, rich)
tama (jewel)
hime (princess)

toyo (bountiful, excellent, rich)
tama (jewel)
hime (beautiful woman, princess – outdated kanji)

❖ Daughter of ryûjin
❖ Also called otohime
otohime おとひめ 乙姫
oto- (strange, witty)
hime (princess)
watasumi sanjin わたつみさんじん 綿津見三神*
*wata.tsu.mi (ateji for: wata (sea, ocean) – tsu (genitive particle 'of') – mi (kami))
san (three)
jin | kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, awe, gratitude, fear/terror)

❖ (three watatsumi kami)
❖ Rule the upper, middle, and lower seas
❖ Created through izanagi's misogi after returning from yomi
❖ (See ryûjin)
watatsumi kami
naka (middle, center)
tsu (genitive particle 'of')
*wata.tsu.mi (ateji for: wata (sea, ocean) – tsu (genitive particle 'of') – mi (kami))
kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, gratitude, awe, or terror)

❖ Rules the middle sea
watatsumi kami
soko (bottom, underneath)
tsu (genitive particle 'of')
*wata.tsu.mi (ateji for: wata (sea, ocean) – tsu (genitive particle 'of') – mi (kami))
kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, gratitude, awe, or terror)

❖ Rules the lower sea
watatsumi kami
uwa- (above, surface, top)
tsu (genitive partice 'of')
*wata.tsu.mi (ateji for: wata (sea, ocean) – tsu (genitive particle 'of') – mi (kami))
kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, gratitude, awe, or terror)

❖ Rules the upper sea
yama-uba やまうば 山姥
yama (mountain)
uba (old woman)

❖ Mountain witch
yuki-onna ゆき 雪女
yuki (snow)
onna (female, woman)

❖ kami of snow, princess of the moon, or a woman who died in the snow
❖ Also called yuki-jorô, yuki-onago, yuki-nyôbô, yuki-hime, yuki-anesan, yuki-musume, yuki-omba, yukinba, yukifuri-baba
yuki-jorô ゆきじょろう 雪女郎
yuki-onago ゆきおなご 雪女子
yuki-nyôbô ゆきにょうぼう 雪女房
yuki-hime ゆきひめ 雪姫
yuki-anesan ゆきあねさん 雪姉さん
yuki-musume ゆきむすめ 雪娘
yuki-omba ゆきおんば 雪乳母
yukinba ゆきんば 雪婆
yukifuri-baba ゆきふりばば 雪降り婆
yuki (snow)
jo (female, woman)
rô (son, counter for sons)
yuki-jorô (snow prostitute / entertainment woman)

yuki (snow)
ona (female, woman)
go | ko (child)
yuki-onago (snow woman / girl)

yuki (snow)
nyô (female, woman)
bô (chamber, room)
nyôbô (wife / court lady)
yuki-nyôbô (snow wife / court lady)

yuki (snow)
hime (princess / young lady of noble birth)
yuki-hime (snow princess / young lady of noble birth)

yuki (snow)
ane (elder sister)
san (honorific)
yuki-anesan (snow elder sister)

yuki (snow)
musume (daughter / young girl / maiden)
yuki-musume (snow daughter / young girl / maiden)

yuki (snow)
om | chichi (milk, breasts)
ba | haha (mama, mother)
omba (old woman, grandma, wet nurse)
yuki-omba (snow old woman, grandma, wet nurse)

yukin (snow-)
ba (old woman, grandma, wet nurse)
yukinba (snow old woman, grandma, wet nurse)

yuki (snow)
fu.ri (alighting, descending)
baba (old woman, grandma, wet nurse)
yukifuri-baba (snow fall old woman, grandma, wet nurse)

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