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ToCminzoku shintôminkandenshôjôreishinsen

shinsen (Offerings) – 08 / 02 / 2014
shinsen しんせん 神饌
shin | kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, awe, gratitude, fear/terror)
sen (food, offering)
shinsen (food and alcohol offering to the kami)

❖ Offerings presented to kami / frequently food offerings
❖ May include rice, sake, salt, water, rice cakes, fish, fowl, meat, seaweed, vegetables, fruits, and sweets
❖ Also called kensen, shinsenbutsu, shinsenmono
kensen けんせん 献饌
shinsenbutsu しんせんぶつ 神饌物
shinsenbutsu しんせんもの
ken (offering)
sen (food, offering)
kensen (food offering to the kami)

shin | kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, awe, gratitude, fear/terror)
sen (food, offering)
shinsen (food and alcohol offering to the kami)
butsu (products, stock)

shin | kami (that which inspires feelings of reverence, awe, gratitude, fear/terror)
sen (food, offering)
shinsen (food and alcohol offering to the kami)
mono (thing, object)
hônô ほうのう 奉納
hô (observance, offer, present, dedicate)
nô (settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store)

❖ (dedication, offering, presentation, oblation)
❖ Somethimes engraved or painted on offerings like torii and komainu
hônôbutsu ほうのうぶつ 奉納物
hô (observance, offer, present, dedicate)
nô (settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store)
butsu (thing, object, matter)

❖ (votive offering)
hônôgaku ほうのうがく 奉納額
hô (observance, offer, present, dedicate)
nô (settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store)
gaku (tablet, plaque, framed picture)

❖ (votive tablet)
hônôkin ほうのうきん 奉納金
hô (observance, offer, present, dedicate)
nô (settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store)
kin (gold)

❖ (votive offering of money)
ikenie いけにえ 生贄
ike (life)
nie (offering, sacrifice)
ikenie (sacrifice, scapegoat)

❖ An offering of a living animal – usually shiro
❖ The animals are normally released within the keidai (shrine precincts) following rituals of dedication
imibi いみび 忌火
i.mi (mourning, abstinence, taboo, religious purification, pure, holy)
bi (fire)

❖ Ritual fire for cooking
❖ Has to be made with a flint stone or friction
❖ Also pronounced inbi
inbi いんび 忌火
in | i.mi (mourning, abstinence, taboo, religious purification, pure, holy)
bi (fire)
jukusen じゅくせん 熟饌
juku (ripen, mature)
sen (food, offering)

❖ An offering of cooked and prepared foods
kenka けんか 献花
ken (offering, present, offer)
ka (flower)

❖ Flower offering
kenkadai けんかだい 献花台
ken (offering, present, offer)
ka (flower)
dai (pedestal, a stand)

❖ Stand, table or altar on which one places donated flowers
kessai けっさい 潔斎
kes | ketsu (undefiled, pure, clean, righteous)
sai (purification)

❖ Periods of abstinence by persons engaging in the preparation of offerings
(incense, perfume, smell)
mori-no-sachi もりのさち 森の幸
mori (forest, woods)
no (possesive particle)
sachi (happiness, blessing, fortune)

❖ Offerings of foods from the forest
o-mizu おみず 御水
o (honorable)
mizu (water)

❖ Or omizu
❖ Also called mizu
mizu みず
o-shio おしお 御塩
o (honorable)
shio (salt)

❖ Or oshio
❖ Also called shio
shio しお
seisen せいせん 生饌
sei (life, genuine, birth)
sen (food, offering)

❖ An offering of raw foods
sosen そせん 素饌
so (elementary, principle, naked)
sen (food, offering)

❖ An offering of vegetarian foods
ta-no-sachi たのさち 田の幸
ta (rice paddy)
no (possesive particle)
sachi (happiness, blessing, fortune)

❖ Offerings of foods from the rice paddy field
mochi もち
(rice cake)

❖ Rice pounded into a paste
o-kome おこめ 御米
o (honorable)
kome (uncooked rice)

❖ Or okome
❖ Also called kome
kome こめ
(uncooked rice)
gohan ごはん ご飯
go (honorable) – written with kanji or hiragana
han (boiled rice, meal)

❖ (cooked rice)
❖ Can be used to represent a meal
o-miki おみき 御神酒
o (honorable)
mi (kami)
ki (sake, alcohol)

❖ Or omiki
❖ Sanctified rice wine
❖ Also called miki, Sake
miki みき 神酒
sake さけ
mi (kami)
ki (sake, alcohol)

(rice wine, alcohol)
umi-no-sachi うみのさち 海の幸
umi (sea, ocean)
no (possesive particle)
sachi (happiness, blessing, fortune)

❖ Offerings of foods from the sea
yama-no-sachi やまのさち 山の幸
yama (mountain)
no (possesive particle)
sachi (happiness, blessings, fortune)

❖ Offerings of foods from the mountain

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