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ToCSpirit and Soulichirei shikon

ichirei-shikon (One Spirit, Four Souls) – 06 / 12 / 2014
ichirei-shikon いちれいしこん 一霊四魂
ichi (one)
rei (spirit)
shi (four)
kon (soul)
ichirei-shikon (Literally - one spirit, four souls)
aramitama あらみたま 荒御魂
ara (rough, wild, rude)
mi (honorable)
tama (soul, spirit)
aramitama (rough or turbulent soul)

❖ The ferocious, rough, and violent side of the spirit
kushimitama くしみたま 奇御魂
kushi (strange, strangeness, curiosity, mysterious)
mi (honorable)
tama (soul, spirit)
kushimitama (soul or spirit who possesses a wondrous power)

❖ Wondrous, miraculous, or salubrious soul
nigimitama にぎみたま 和御魂
nigi (harmony, peace, soften, gentle)
mi (honorable)
tama (soul, spirit)
nigimitama (tranquil soul)

❖ Harmonious soul
sakimitama さきみたま 幸御魂
saki | sachi (happiness, blessing, fortune)
mi (honorable)
tama (soul, spirit)
sakimitama (propitious soul)

❖ That which produces megumi
❖ Also called sakitama
sakitama さきたま 幸魂
saki | sachi (happiness, blessing, fortune)
tama (soul, spirit)
sakitama (propitious soul)

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