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ToCCharacteristicsReligious Norms Within shintô

Religious Norms Within shintô – 06 / 12 / 2014
The explicit or implicit rules specifying what behaviours are acceptable within a religious group; in this case shintô.
hôon ほうおん 報恩
hô (reward, retribution)
on (grace, kindness, goodness, favor, mercy, blessing, benefit)
hôon (repaying a kindness, gratitude)

❖ Reciprocity of interactions between humans and the sacred – "A gift (given) demands a gift (returned)"
❖ (See on)
kyôku kangeki きょうくかんげき 恐懼感激
kyô (fear, dread, awe)
ku (fear, overawed)
kan (emotion, feeling, sensation)
geki (violent, get excited, enraged, chafe, incite)

❖ Being struck with awe, or deeply moved with awe
❖ An awareness of the sublime
kansha かんしゃ 感謝
kan (emotion, feeling, sensation)
sha (thank)

❖ Gratitude for the megumi of the kami and the itoku of sorei
itoku いとく 遺徳
i (bequeath, leave behind)
toku (benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect)

❖ Benefit from ancestors' virtue
❖ Also called yotoku
yotoku よとく 余徳
yo (too much, surplus)
toku (benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect)
kinen きねん 祈念
ki (pray, wish)
nen (idea, thought, feeling, desire, attention)

❖ Expressions of gratitude for mi-megumi or mitama-no-fuyu, blessings from the kami
megumi めぐみ 恵み
megumi (favor, blessing, grace, kindness)

❖ Grace bestowed on a person by kami
❖ Also called mi-megumi
mi-megumi みめぐみ 御恵み
mi (honorable)
megumi (favor, blessing, grace, kindness)
mitama-no-fuyu みたまのふゆ 御魂の増ゆ
mi (honorable)
tama (spirit, soul)
no (possesive particle)
fu.yu (to touch, shake)

❖ (blessings from kami)
kigan きがん 祈願
ki (pray, wish)
gan (petition, request, vow, wish, hope)

❖ A prayer or supplication
❖ To ask for humbly or earnestly
❖ It refers to personal prayers (not necessarily for personal benefit – they may be for the community, nation, etc.), rather than to ritual forms such as norito.
❖ Prayers or petitions for specific benefits are called gangake or kitô
❖ On ema the prayers or wish is written under the heading of o-negai.
gangake がんがけ 願掛
gan (petition, request, vow, wish, hope) (hang, suspend, depend, arrive at)

❖ Petition for a specific benefit
kitô きとう 祈祷
ki (pray, wish)
tô (pray)

❖ Prayer for a specific benefit
o-negai おねがい 御願い
o (honorable)
nega.i (petition, request, vow, wish, hope)

❖ Heading on an ema
❖ Also called gan'i
gan'i がんい 願意
gan (petition, request, vow, wish, hope)
i (idea, mind, heart, taste, thought, desire, care, liking)
shingan しんがん 心願
shin (heart, mind, spirit)
gan (petition, request, vow, wish, hope)

❖ Earnest prayer, heartfelt wish
shinganjôju しんがんじょうじゅ 心願成就
shin (heart, mind, spirit)
gan (petition, request, vow, wish, hope)
jô (turn into, become, get, grow, reach)
ju (concerning, settle, take position)
jôju (fulfillment, realization, completion)

❖ Earnest prayers being answered
❖ Realization of one's earnest wishes
on おん
(grace, kindness, goodness, favor, mercy, blessing, benefit)

❖ Blessings received from kami, hotoke, or sorei
❖ (See hôon)

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