Returns you to the Stone Dragon Press web site. |
Takes you to the table of contents, when you want to jump to a different topic. |
Takes you to the books and links related to the current topic, in the bibliography section. |
If on the main page of a topic, takes you back to the main page of the previous topic. If within a topic, takes you to the previous page, or to the main page of the topic |
Disabled: Not available for navigation from that page. |
If on the main page of a topic, takes you foward to the main page of the next topic. |
Disabled: Not available for navigation from that page. |
Takes you to search engine for the Mentoring Elders e-book. Currently, the search engine only searches for keywords within a database. It does not search the contents of the pages. |
Expand: Takes you to a page within the current topic that contains more information on a particular idea or point. |
Collapse: Takes you back to the current topic, from the expansion page. |
Takes you to the top of that page. |
Returns you to the Stone Dragon Press web site. |
Launches your e-mail program, for sending a message to the editor or Stone Dragon Press. (Some e-mail programs will not accept a mailto: command from HTML. If yours' is one, you will have to manually enter: volkhvy@stonedragonpress.com into the To: field of your e-mail program.) |
Other Labeled Buttons: |
Takes you to that page within the current topic or section. |