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ToCminzoku shintôsekai-kanmatsuriji matsuri

ji matsuri (Ground Breaking) – 06 / 26 / 2014
ji matsuri じまつり 地祭
ji (ground, earth)
matsuri (ritual, offer prayers, worship)

❖ Rituals performed before and during constructing a building, to worship the kami of the locality and to pray for safety during the process of construction
anzen kigan
an (relax, low, quiet, rested, contented, peaceful)
zen (whole, entire, all, complete, fulfill)
anzen (safety, security)
ki (pray, wish)
gan (petition, request, vow, wish, hope)
kigan (prayer)
shiki (ceremony, rite, function)

❖ Safety ceremony for health and protection of workers at a jobsite
jichinsai じちんさい 地鎮祭
ji (ground, earth)
chin (tranquilize)
sai (ritual, offer prayers, celebrate, deify, enshrine, worship)

❖ Pacification of the grounds
❖ Ground breaking ceremony
jôtôshiki じょうとうしき 上棟式
jô (above, up)
tô (ridgepole, ridge)
jôtô (raising the ridgepole)
shiki (ceremony, rite, function)

❖ Ridgebeam-raising ceremony
❖ Also called jôtôsai
jôtôsai じょうとうさい 上棟祭
jô (above, up)
tô (ridgepole, ridge)
jôtô (raising the ridgepole)
sai (ritual, offer prayers, celebrate)
shunkô shiki しゅんこうしき 竣功式
shun (end, finish)
kô (achievement, success)
shunko (completion (of work))
shiki (ceremony, rite, function)

shun (end, finish)
kô (craft, construction)
shunko (completion (of work))
shiki (ceremony, rite, function)

❖ Completion ceremony
shunkô kiyo
harae shiki
shun (end, finish)
kô (achievement, success)
shunkô (completion (of work))
kiyo (pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise)
harae (purification, exorcism)
shiki (ceremony, rite, function)

shun (end, finish)
kô (craft, construction)
shunkô (completion (of work))
kiyo (pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise)
harae (purification, exorcism)
shiki (ceremony, rite, function)

❖ Opening or inauguration ceremony
❖ Also called shûnin shiki
shûnin shiki しゅうにんしき 就任式
shû (concerning, settle, take position)
nin (responsibility, duty, term, entrust to, appoint)
shûnin (inauguration)
shiki (ceremony, rite, function)

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