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jukyô (Confucianism) – 06 / 12 / 2014
jukyô じゅきょう 儒教
ju (Confucian)
kyô (teach, faith, doctrine)

❖ Also called jukyôshugi, juka, jugaku, judô, keigaku
jukyôshugi じゅきょうしゅぎ 儒教主義
juka じゅか 儒家
jugaku じゅがく 儒学
judô じゅどう 儒道
keigaku けいがく 経学
ju (Confucian)
kyô (teach, faith, doctrine)
jukyô (Confucianism)
shu (main thing, principal, lord, chief, master)
gi (righteousness, justice, morality, honor, loyalty, meaning)
shugi (doctrine, rule, principle)

ju (Confucian)
ka (house, home)

ju (Confucian)
gaku (study, learning, science)

ju (Confucian)
dô (way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings)

kei (vertical (relationship), hierarchy, sutra, pass thru)
gaku (study, learning, science)
dôgaku どうがく 道学
dô (way, street, district, journey, course, moral, teachings)
gaku (study, learning, science)

❖ Ethics, moral philosophy
❖ The study of Confucianism (esp. neo-Confucianism)
kôfûshi こうふうし 孔夫子
kô (very, great, exceedingly / ateji)
fû (husband, man / ateji)
shi (child, first sign of Chinese zodiac / ateji)
fûshi (term of address for a teacher)

❖ Confucius (Chin: Kong Fuzi / K'ung Fu-tzu)
❖ 551-479 BCE
❖ Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher
❖ The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity
❖ He emphasizes strong family loyalty, ancestor worship, respect of elders by their children and of husbands by their wives, and of family as the basis for government
❖ Also called jiho, kôshi, fûshi, sensei
jiho じほ 尼甫
kôshi こうし 孔子
fûshi ふうし 夫子
sensei せんせい 先聖
ji | ni (nun)
ho (for the first time, not until)
jiho (possible inversion of his courtesy name - Zhongni)

kô (very, great, exceedingly / ateji)
shi (child, first sign of Chinese zodiac / ateji)
kôshi (Kongzi / master Kong)

fû (husband, man / ateji)
shi (child, first sign of Chinese zodiac / ateji)
fûshi (term of address for a teacher)

sen (before, ahead, previous, precedence)
sei (holy, saint, sage, master, priest)
sensei (ancient sage)
kômô こうもう 孔孟
kô (very, great, exceedingly / ateji)
mô (chief, beginning / ateji)

❖ kôshi and môshi (Confucius and Mencius)
kômô-no-oshie こうもうのおしえ 孔孟の教え
kô (very, great, exceedingly / ateji)
mô (chief, beginning / ateji)
kômô (kôshi and môshi)
no (possesive particle)
oshie (teachings, instruction, teaching, precept, lesson, doctrine)

❖ The teachings of Confucius and Mencius
môshi もうし 孟子
mô (chief, beginning / ateji)
shi (child, first sign of Chinese zodiac / ateji)

❖ Mencius (Chin: Mengzi / Meng-tzu)
❖ 371-289 BCE
❖ One of the most famous orthodox Confucians after kôfûshi himself
Ethical and Political Philosophies – Norms that emphasized filial piety, respect for elders, social obligations, and rules of courtesy that promised humanistic, rational, and benevolent governance, harmonious family relationships, and clear-cut standards for governing the interaction among rulers, lords, vassals, and common folk, between old and young, father and son, husband and wife.
gojô ごじょう 五常
go (five)
jô (usual, ordinary, normal, regular)

❖ The five cardinal Confucian virtues (benevolence, justice, politeness, wisdom, and fidelity)
❖ Also called jingireichishin
jingireichishin じんぎれいちしん 仁義礼智信
❖ The 5 Confucian virtues (benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom, and sincerity)
❖ For kanji see below
jin じん
(benevolence (esp. as a virtue of Confucianism), consideration, compassion, humanity, charity)

❖ Humaneness
(morality, righteousness, justice, honour, loyalty, meaning)

❖ Righteousness or justice
rei れい
(salute, bow, ceremony, thanks, social custom, manners, courtesy, rites)

❖ Propriety or etiquette
(wisdom, intellect, reason)

❖ Knowledge
shin しん
(honesty, faith, truth, fidelity, trust)

❖ Integrity
gorin ごりん 五倫
go (five)
rin (ethics, companion)

❖ The five Confucian filial-piety relationships
❖ The Five Bonds
Ruler to Ruled
Father to Son
Husband to Wife
Elder Brother to Younger Brother
Friend to Friend
sankô さんこう 三綱
san (three)
kô (rope, cord, cable, hawser)

❖ The three bonds in Confucianism
❖ Master & servant, father & son, husband & wife
master & servant
father & son
husband & wife
shiji しじ 四字
shi (four)
ji (character, letter, word)

❖ Four-character phrase
❖ Also called yoji, yojijukugo
yoji よじ 四字
yojijukugo よじじゅくご 四字熟語
yo (four)
ji (character, letter, word)

yo (four)
ji (character, letter, word)
juku (mellow, ripen, mature, acquire skill)
go (word, speech, language)

❖ Four-character idiomatic compounds
chûkôsetsugi ちゅうこうせつぎ 忠孝節義
❖ A shiji for the four classical Chinese virtues
chû ちゅう
❖ Short for chûsei
chûsei ちゅうせい 忠誠
chû (loyalty, devotion, fidelity, faithfulness)
sei (sincerity, admonish, warn, prohibit, truth, fidelity)
chûsei (loyalty, sincerity, allegiance, fidelity, integrity)

❖ Loyalty
❖ Short for kôkô

❖ Also pronounced kyô
kôkô こうこう 孝行
kô (filial piety)
kô (going, journey)
kôkô (Filial piety)

❖ Filial piety
setsu せつ
❖ Short for sessô
sessô せっそう 節操
ses | setsu (constancy, integrity, honor, chastity, fidelity)
sô (chastity, virginity, fidelity)
sessô (constancy, integrity, honor, chastity, fidelity)

❖ Continency
❖ Short for giri
giri ぎり 義理
gi (morality, righteousness, justice, honor)
ri (logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth)
giri (duty, sense of duty, honor, decency, courtesy, debt of gratitude, social obligation)

❖ Righteousness
kômon こうもん 孔門
kô (great, very, exceedingly / ateji)
mon (gate)

❖ Disciple of Confucius
❖ Confucian school
Neo-Confucianism – Emphasized attention to man and secular society, to social responsibility in secular contexts.
seirigaku せいりがく 性理学
sei (nature, sex, gender)
ri (logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth)
gaku (study, learning, science)

❖ neo-Confucianism (esp. from the Song period)
shushigaku しゅしがく 朱子学
shu (vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody / ateji)
shi (child, first sign of Chinese zodiac / ateji)
gaku (study, learning, science)

❖ neo-Confucianism
❖ Based on the teachings of Zhu Xi and his followers
sôgaku そうがく 宋学
sô (dwell, Sung dynasty)
gaku (study, learning, science)

❖ Song-period neo-Confucianism
❖ Based esp. on the teachings of Zhu Xi
teishugaku ていしゅがく 程朱学
tei (extent, degree, law, formula, distance, limits, amount / ateji)
shu (vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody / ateji)
gaku (study, learning, science)

❖ neo-Confucianism
❖ Based on the teaching of the Cheng brothers and Zhu Xi
yômeigaku ようめいがく 陽明学
yô (sunshine, yang principle, positive, male, heaven, daytime / ateji)
mei (bright, light / ateji)
gaku (study, learning, science)

❖ neo-Confucianism
❖ Based on the teachings of Wang Yangming and his followers
sei-aku-setsu せいあくせつ 性悪説
sei (nature, sex, gender)
aku (wickedness, evil, bad, false, wrong)
setsu (rumor, opinion, theory)

❖ Doctrine of inherent depravity of human nature
sei-zen-setsu せいぜんせつ 性善説
sei (nature, sex, gender)
zen (virtuous, good, goodness)
setsu (rumor, opinion, theory)

❖ Doctrine of inherent goodness of human nature
shishogokyô ししょごきょう 四書五経
shi (four)
sho (write)
go (five)
kyô (vertical (relationship), hierarchy, sutra, pass thru)

❖ The Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism
❖ The Nine Chinese Classics
shisho ししょ 四書
shi (four)
sho (write)

❖ The Four Books
❖ Confucian texts
chûyô ちゅうよう 中庸
chû (in, inside, middle, mean, center)
yô (commonplace, ordinary)

❖ The Doctrine of the Mean
❖ One of the Four Books
❖ Represents moderation, rectitude, objectivity, sincerity, honesty and propriety in all actions
daigaku だいがく 大学
dai (great, large, big)
gaku (study, learning, science)

dai (great, large, big)
gaku (study, learning, science – outdated kanji)

❖ The Great Learning
❖ One of the Four Books
môshi もうし 孟子
mô (chief, beginning / ateji)
shi (child, first sign of Chinese zodiac / ateji)

❖ The Discourses of Mencius
❖ One of the Four Books
rongo ろんご 論語
ron (argument, discourse)
go (word, speech, language)

❖ The Analects of Confucius
Chin: Lunyu (literally: Selected Sayings)
❖ One of the Four Books
shichiken しちけん 七賢
shichi (seven)
ken (intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness)

❖ The Seven Wise Men (of the rongo)
❖ (See Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove)
gokyô ごきょう 五経
go (five)
kyô (vertical (relationship), hierarchy, sutra, pass thru)

❖ The Five Classics texts of jukyô
ekikyô えききょう 易経
eki (fortune-telling, divination)
kyô (vertical (relationship), hierarchy, sutra, pass thru)

❖ I Ching (Chin: Yi Jing) or Book of Changes
❖ One of the Five Classics
raiki らいき 礼記
rai (salute, bow, ceremony, thanks)
ki (scribe, account, narrative)

❖ The Li Ji or Book of Rites
❖ One of the Five Classics
shikyô しきょう 詩経
shi (poem, poetry)
kyô (vertical (relationship), hierarchy, sutra, pass thru)

❖ The Shijing (Chin: Shih Ching) or Book of Odes (Songs, Poems)
❖ One of the Five Classics
shokyô しょきょう 書経
sho (write)
kyô (vertical (relationship), hierarchy, sutra, pass thru)

❖ The Shujing (Chin: Shu Ching) or the Book of History
❖ One of the Five Classics
shunjû しゅんじ 春秋
shun (springtime, spring)
jû (autumn)

❖ The Chronicles of Lu or the Spring and Autumn Annals
❖ One of the Five Classics

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